Practice Areas
Livelihood Law, LLC is dedicated to improving employment conditions for all workers in Colorado. All employees are entitled to a fair and equitable workplace, no matter their disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, or because of a current or intended marriage to another employee.
Employers cannot discriminate based on race, sex, age, disability, national origin, and religion. In Colorado, pregnancy and sexual orientation are also protected classes.
Several federal statutes protect equal pay for employees across the U.S., including the Equal Pay Act and Title VII. Colorado law also protects employees from sex-based wage discrimination through the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act and the new Colorado Equal Pay Act.
FMLA is a federal law that allows certain public and private sector employees to take up to twelve weeks of unpaid leave without the fear of being fired or worrying about whether the job would still be there when they returned to work.
Legally, a “wrongful termination” claim means something very specific in the employment law context. Federal and state law make it illegal for an employer to fire an employee for discriminatory reasons.
Retaliation has a very specific legal meaning in employment law. Your employer is prohibited from taking adverse action against you because you complained about discrimination or objected to discriminatory treatment.
If your employer asks you to sign a severance agreement, it is in your best interests to have it reviewed by an employment law attorney first.
Most people still don’t know what sexual harassment means in a legal sense. Many employees believe that because they work in “at will” states, employers can still legally fire them if they do speak up.
Many qualified employees miss out on benefits due to misinformation and missed deadlines. Our law firm has a lot of experience helping people navigate the system and representing individuals for unemployment hearings.
Employees in both the public and private sector often question their rights to payment for their work. If an Employer refuses to pay all earned wages, there can be penalties and fines assessed.