Smart Ways to Prepare for Potential Job Loss While You’re Still Employed
Uncertainty in the job market and news reports of companies laying off workers can make you wonder if you’re next to join the ranks of the unemployed. While you may not be able to prevent a layoff, there are several ways to prepare for that possibility while you’re...
FAQs: Workplace Violations for Remote Workers
FAQs: Workplace Violations for Remote Workers What is Remote Work? Remote work refers to work that is done from an alternate worksite away from the employee’s official worksite with the employer’s knowledge and approval. Employees who work from home instead of...
What to Do When HR Fails to Take Your Complaint Seriously
When HR Fails to Take Your Complaint Seriously Most people have had a workplace issue; for many, the first attempt to address the problem is contacting the Human Resources Department. If you have complained to HR, but they have done nothing and are failing to take...
Does Pay Transparency in Colorado Work?
Does Pay Transparency in Colorado Work? How many times have you heard that women make less money than men? It seems like an easy problem to fix today. We have laws requiring that employers pay men and women the same amount for the same work. So, shouldn’t the law have...