Category: Wrongful Termination

What Is Age Discrimination?

What Is Age Discrimination?

What Is Age Discrimination? Age Discrimination “involves treating an applicant or employee less favorably because of his or her age” according to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Have You Experienced Age Discrimination In The Workplace? According to...

3 Surprising Examples of Recent Wrongful Termination Cases & How They Might Apply To You

3 Surprising Examples of Recent Wrongful Termination Cases & How They Might Apply To You

Although sexual harassment and racial discrimination are widely recognized as the basis for many wrongful termination actions, there are other unlawful forms of discrimination that may motivate an employer’s behavior as well. If you have been fired from your job, here are 3 surprising examples of recent wrongful termination cases that may help to shed some light on your situation and whether you should pursue legal action against your former employer.

What You Need to Know About Wrongful Termination in Colorado

What You Need to Know About Wrongful Termination in Colorado

If your employer has fired you, it’s normal to wonder whether the termination was legal. Colorado is an “at-will” state but employers cannot fire at-will employees for an illegal reason. That is called wrongful termination, or wrongful discharge, and you may have the right to sue. This post will discuss key exceptions to the at-will doctrine and potential grounds for a wrongful termination lawsuit.