FAQs: Workplace Violations for Remote Workers What is Remote Work? Remote work refers to work that is done from an alternate worksite away from the employee’s official worksite with the employer’s knowledge and approval. Employees who work from home instead of...
Category: Retaliation
What to Do When HR Fails to Take Your Complaint Seriously
When HR Fails to Take Your Complaint Seriously Most people have had a workplace issue; for many, the first attempt to address the problem is contacting the Human Resources Department. If you have complained to HR, but they have done nothing and are failing to take...
Helping a Spouse Who’s Struggling at Work: What You Need to Know
Watching a loved one struggle at work can be challenging. Naturally, you want to help, but you can’t resolve drama or conflicts for a spouse. What can you do? You can lend an ear and listen, give advice or console, and ensure your spouse knows their workplace rights...
Whistleblower Protection Health & Safety
Whistleblower Protection Health & Safety - UPDATE! On May 31, 2022, Governor Polis signed SB22-097 into law, expanding protections for employees who raise concerns about workplace health and safety violations. Under the new law, if you report a good faith concern...
The #MeToo Movement: What is Sexual Harassment?
Here’s what you need to know about sexual harassment in the workplace and the #MeToo movement. The #MeToo movement is shining a light on the dark secrets of sexual harassment in the workplace. #MeToo has encouraged more women to break the silence and speak up, but we know how hard that is. We will continue to hold employers accountable in 2019.
Myths vs Facts About Hostile Work Environments
A brief overview on legal requirements for a claim of a hostile work environment.
Retaliation in Colorado: What You Need To Know
Learn about why employers cannot retaliate against employees or job seekers for reporting discriminatory or illegal activity.