Category: Discrimination

Paternity Leave Protections

Paternity Leave Protections

Paternity Leave Protections There are numerous benefits to taking paternity leave, from increasing bonding time with your new child to enhancing your relationship with your partner.[1] Unfortunately, we are receiving a significant number of calls from men who have...

What Is Age Discrimination?

What Is Age Discrimination?

What Is Age Discrimination? Age Discrimination “involves treating an applicant or employee less favorably because of his or her age” according to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Have You Experienced Age Discrimination In The Workplace? According to...

Racial Discrimination

Racial Discrimination

Racial discrimination in the workplace means treating an employee or job applicant unfavorably because of the person’s skin color, race, personal characteristics associated with a race like hair texture or facial features, or association with someone of another race...

Disability Discrimination

Disability Discrimination

Disability discrimination is treating an employee or job applicant differently because of a disability, perceived disability, or an association with a disabled person. Whether a person is visibly disabled or not, treating them differently or failing to make certain...