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3 Surprising Examples of Recent Wrongful Termination Cases & How They Might Apply To You

3 Surprising Examples of Recent Wrongful Termination Cases & How They Might Apply To You

Although sexual harassment and racial discrimination are widely recognized as the basis for many wrongful termination actions, there are other unlawful forms of discrimination that may motivate an employer’s behavior as well. If you have been fired from your job, here are 3 surprising examples of recent wrongful termination cases that may help to shed some light on your situation and whether you should pursue legal action against your former employer.

The #MeToo Movement: What is Sexual Harassment?

The #MeToo Movement: What is Sexual Harassment?

Here’s what you need to know about sexual harassment in the workplace and the #MeToo movement. The #MeToo movement is shining a light on the dark secrets of sexual harassment in the workplace. #MeToo has encouraged more women to break the silence and speak up, but we know how hard that is. We will continue to hold employers accountable in 2019.